I woke up in the middle of the night wondering how I was going to get these 1,000 little pieces of glass onto the guitar. It's been long enough since I tried the double indirect method of putting sticky shelf paper on top of the glass before transferring that I forgot WHY I NEVER DO THAT.

Alright, there's the sticky paper cut to fit. Upon my first effort to lift it, I lost about 10% of my glass pieces. A board underneath helped greatly and I got it onto the awaiting glued guitar body. I found painting the surface of your wood white helps the glass colors really pop.

Thank you, Weldbond.

"Most of the glass transferred nicely and it was a race against the drying of the glue to get everybody where they belonged.
"2 hours of my life I will never get back", to quote James Wyn Hart. But really, it makes me very happy to see my time crystalized into a colorful form.
And now I realize that writing a blog is really just a way to procrastinate lap swimming.
"2 hours of my life I will never get back", to quote James Wyn Hart. But really, it makes me very happy to see my time crystalized into a colorful form.
And now I realize that writing a blog is really just a way to procrastinate lap swimming.